Goodbye Residently, Hello Servd

A few weeks ago I sadly handed in my resig­na­tion as Tech Lead at Res­id­ently. It’s been such a fant­ast­ic four years; I feel like I’ve grown so much, in ways I hadn’t anti­cip­ated. I’d like to thank all my fel­low Res­id­ently-ers who have sup­por­ted and ment­ored me dur­ing my time there.

But where one door shuts, anoth­er opens, and I’m excited to announce that I’ll be join­ing Ser­vd as a dir­ect­or later this month. 🎉

Ser­vd is a no-devops host­ing plat­form for Craft CMS web­sites, foun­ded by my good friend Matt Gray. I’m really excited to be work­ing with Matt again, he’s a super smart guy and one of the lead­ing experts in squeez­ing every ounce of per­form­ance out of Craft.

Before Ser­vd, I can tell you first hand that it was harder than it should have been to get a Craft CMS site up and run­ning (this blog is test­a­ment to that!). Ser­vd just really gets out of your way and lets Craft developers focus on build­ing great apps.

I’m also really excited to see how life out­side of 9 – 5 employ­ment sits with me. Bal­an­cing when/​where/​how I work with seiz­ing mar­ket oppor­tun­it­ies is some­thing that I’m look­ing for­ward to try­ing out. Matt and I have always been pas­sion­ate about dir­ect­ing our work efforts to power our qual­ity of life, and Ser­vd provides a great oppor­tun­ity to give us a ful­filling, flex­ible day-to-day life.

I’m dying to see what the future has in store. Stay tuned! ✌️